Our Provider List
Our ADAMHS Board’s network of providers offer a wide range of help, recovery, and support services for mental illnesses and substance-use issues.
The best way to learn more about which provider(s) will best meet your needs is to call our Compass Line at 440-350-2000.
BRIDGES: Mental Health Consumer Empowerment
(440) 350-9922 -
Catholic Charities Community Services of Lake County
(440) 352-6191
ccdocle.org -
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
(216) 619-6194
www.clevelandrapecrisis.org -
Crossroads Health
(440) 255-1700
www.crossroadshealth.org -
Extended Housing
(440) 352-8424
www.extendedhousing.org -
Family Pride
(440) 286-1553
www.familyprideonline.org -
Fine Arts Association
(440) 951-7500
www.fineartsassociation.org -
Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers, Inc.
(440) 255-0678
www.lgrc.us -
Lifeline, Inc., Inc.
(440) 354-2148
NAMI Lake County
(440) 639-1200
www.namilakecountyohio.org -
Northcoast Behavioral Healthcare/Community Services Network
(330) 467-7131 -
Signature Health
(440) 953-9999
www.signaturehealthinc.org -
Torchlight Youth Mentoring Alliance
(440) 352-2526
www.torchlightyouthmentoring.org -
University Hospitals Lake West Medical Center Emergency Department
440-953-9600 -
University Hospitals TriPoint Medical Center Emergency Department
440-375-8100 -
Windsor-Laurelwood Center for Behavioral Medicine
(440) 953-3000
www.windsorlaurelwood.com -
(440) 285-7154 (administrative line)
(888) 285-5665 (24 hour crisis support)